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Featured Artist - Roy Wooley


His most recent endeavor was as the Lead Makeup and Effects Artist for the 2013 feature film, Hell Hole.


Roy’s journey into the world of movie monsters began after seeing Conquest of the Planet of the Apes at a very young age.  The movie inspired him to learn more and he became fascinated with all the classics, Dracula, Frankenstein, the Wolfman and Creature from the Black

Lagoon. Every Halloween was spent improvising costumes to create his favorite monsters and the rest of his time he was drawing and airbrushing pictures of monsters. Then he was introduced to an exciting new genre; Friday the 13th gave a fresh direction for his passion: blood and gore.  A visit to a magic and costume shop led to the discovery of mortician’s wax and latex, and unknowingly, a future career. The following year Roy and his best friend, even though they were under age, snuck in to see An American Werewolf in London.  After seeing the transformation sequence, there was no stopping his desire to make monsters.


In 1997, Roy moved from his small town in Alabama to Atlanta, Georgia. During his first few months in Atlanta, Roy came across Netherworld Haunted House. His first year there was spent acting and helping with makeup, as a formal makeup room hadn’t been established yet.  His job changed entirely at the beginning of his second year when he was approached by one of the owners and asked if he knew anything about airbrushing. He went from acting to creating and organizing an official makeup department.  He also began making and repairing props.


Over the last 16 years, Roy has been key in helping to develop one of the haunt industries best make-up departments. Netherworld is known as one of the top haunted houses in the country. Today, Roy continues to work for Netherworld while also making masks, prosthetics and props for the haunted house trade.  He enjoys being an instructor at conventions and workshops; teaching others who also have the desire to make monsters.  Roy also finds time to create make-ups for low budget films, build custom props and costumes, and airbrush body art for fashion shows, parties and print.
See more of Roy’s work at



Roy Wooley is an amazing special effects makeup artist and prop master whose impressive resume spans more than two decades and includes work on such box office hits as Zombieland and Rob Zombie’s Halloween II.  In 2012, Roy appeared as a contestant on Syfy’s number one reality show Face Off, where he received the title, “King of Fabrication,” after producing some of the most memorable creations of Season 3. His most notable wins included the robot suit for the Star Warschallenge, the “Red Queen” for the Alice in Zombieland challenge and the demon ”Chaos” for the Supermobile challenge. In 2013, Roy returned to Face Off for Season 5’s “Vets vs. Rookies.” 

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