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Best in Show &
Audience Choice Awards!


Sign Ups:


Sign-ups will be outside before entering the convention on Saturday June 21st, and will be from 11:30am until 2:00pm. After you sign up, we will be meeting in the courtyard at ???pm to start lining up for the event at ???:???pm. Please stop by the cosplay table if you plan to leave before the event so that we may take your name off the contestant sheet, there will be someone at the table until ???:??pm.




1. All contestants must be registered Sinister Creature Con attendees to participate in the Cosplay Event Day of convention.
2. This is a family-friendly convention! This means that all costumes must be secure with no chance of “slippage”.
3. Store/online bought costumes are eligible for the Novice Award. This is your category if you are a first or second-time cosplayer, made part of your costume, or bought it. We want to see you shine!
4. To qualify for intermediate, 50% or more of the costume must be handmade.
5. Anyone who wishes to participate who is under the age of 14 must have a Legal parent or guardian
sign them up and sign a release waiver.
6. The Youth Award goes to those contestants under age 10. Any contestant under age 10 must go on
stage with their parents or have their parents waiting right off the stage.
7. To be eligible for the “Advanced”, 85% of the costume must be made.
8. To qualify for “Best in Show”, you must be signed up for the “Advanced” category.
9. For group cosplays to be eligible, everyone must be in a costume and be participating in the cosplay.
10. All props/costumes must be taken on and off stage by the contestants. Do not leave a mess or you
will have points docked from your total score.
11. Judges reserve the right to change the category you are placed in.
12. There will be no skits or presentations, this is a strictly walk-on contest.
Awards for Sinister Creature Con:

ï‚· Audience Choice
ï‚· Best in Show

 Kids Award
ï‚· Novice Costume
ï‚· Intermediate Costume
ï‚· Advanced Costume
ï‚· Best Youth Costume (age 10 and under)
ï‚· Makeup/Prosthetics
ï‚· Judges Awards



This category is for all ages. The point of this category is to be judged on the basis of make-up and prosthetics, NOT your costume. You can have a store-bought costume, handmade costume, full-body prosthetics, or street clothes. The only important thing is the make-up and prosthetics.
All contestants ages 10 or under, whether competing in Youth or Make-up, MUST have their parent either on stage with them or be standing just off the stage.

Youth (10 & Under):
This category is for contestants ages 10 and under. However, depending on how the contestant is dressed up, they may be asked to compete in make-up. For more information, please consult one of the judges or the cosplay director.
All contestants ages 10 or under, whether competing in Youth or Make-up, MUST have their parent either on
stage with them or be standing just off the stage.

Novice (First-Timers!):
This category is for beginners ages 11 and up. This is your category if this is your first or second time
competing in a cosplay competition. Your costume can be store-bought, handmade, or partially made, but you
must be in costume.

Intermediate (50% or more must be handmade):
This category is for slightly more experienced competitors ages 11 and up. If you’ve competed a couple of times and want to try your hand at being judged in a higher tier, but don’t feel you are ready for advanced, this is the category for you.
If you are a more experienced contestant, but are under the age of 18, this category is also for you.
Your costume can be fully handmade, or partially handmade, but no more then 50% of your costume can be store-bought.

Advanced (85% or more must be handmade):
This category is for experienced cosplayers ages 18 and up that want to try for the “Best in Show” award. Your costume must be a minimum of 85% handmade. No more than 15% of your costume can be store-bought.
The reason for this age restriction is because some of the vendor-donated prizes include adult-only items and tickets to adult-only events.

* For any questions about category placement, please consult either the cosplay director or
one of the judges present at the sign-up table.


Weapons Guidelines:


Weapons NOT permitted at Sinister Creature Con include, but are not limited to
the following:

No live steel in the form of, including but not limited to:
- Knives, swords, star knives, shuriken
- Any form of metal weapon made to take an edge.
- Chains must be cleared with Masquerade director and be peace bonded accordingly.
No guns or projectile launchers of any kind will be permitted. Including but not limited to:
- Actual firearms including ammunition for said firearms. (Handguns, rifles, shot guns etc.)
- Airsoft guns (Any and all, functioning or not, even with no moving parts.)
- BB guns and Pellet guns
- Bows*, crossbows*, dart guns, and blow guns (Prop Bow and crossbows with no strings are
permitted but must be cleared and peace bonded)
- Functioning water guns or pistols.
- Stun guns and Tasers
- The only exception to this rule will be Prop or resin models that are easily identifiable as toys, provided
they are clearly marked with a non-removable orange tip.
No “paddles” of any sort
No NUNCHUCKS of any kind
No EXPLOSIVES or CHEMICALS of any kind, including but not limited to:
-smoke powder, sparklers, or fireworks of any kind

If it is illegal outside in the City of Sacramento and/or state of California it is illegal inside the

Weapons That Are Allowed
ï‚·Staves, Bo sticks, Shinai, and wooden swords will be permitted as long as they are handled responsibly.

ï‚·Fake, prop, and made-up weapons (i.e. made of foam, cardboard, cloth, etc.) are permitted if they are
safe and not dangerous.
Examples of dangerous conditions include but are not limited to: Items that may trip others, items
that can snag on people or surroundings, items that obstruct doors and halls.

ï‚·Pros shall be limited to less than six feet, six inches (6’6”) in height and less then 50lbs in weight.
ï‚· Any metal chains are to be less than three feet (3’) in length. Any chain longer than that will be peace
bonded shorter.

When in doubt just ask one of the cosplay staff. Also, if you don’t get stopped by cosplay staff that doesn’t
mean the item is allowed.

Note: Any and all weapons policies are subject to change at any moment at the discretion of Sinister
Creature Con staff and Cosplay staff.

Peace-Bonding Policies
Sinister Creature Con wants to provide the best possible con experience while maintaining a safe Family friendly environment. We ask that any and all things that can be considered a weapon be taken to Cosplay staff for peace bonding. If you purchase something and want to use it as a prop, please bring it by the table and we will be happy to peace bond it if it falls under our guidelines and policies. We ask any weapon that is purchased that can be considered dangerous be taken and put in your vehicle.
We do not allow concealed weapons. Your cosplay weapon may be zip tied to the holster or sheath. All props must be certified by the Sinister Creature Con Cosplay staff even if they have previously been peace bonded at other conventions.
These policies and rules are in place to ensure the safety of all the attendees. We are very lenient on our weapons policies compared to other conventions because we want you to focus on enjoying the convention so please let’s continue to have good and SAFE fun.

Peace-Bonding Guidelines
ï‚· The effectiveness, or ineffectiveness, of the item or the skill, or lack of skill, of the person in possession of the item is irrelevant when determining whether or not it is a weapon.
ï‚· All weapons and props must be approved at the peace bonding table upon entering the convention.

ï‚· If you purchase a weapon or prop such as: swords, knives, stars, air soft guns, plastic pellet guns, gun
blades, wooden katanas, Kendo sticks, etc. and you intend to carry it around the convention as a prop you need to take it to peace bonding to have it approved.

ï‚· If you do not intend to use it as a prop, we would appreciate it if you kept it in the packaging and placed it in your vehicle.

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